Dr. Christopher Motley, DC, PAK, DABCA, Certified in Acupuncture, BS
The Gut Biome and Thyroid Function: a Chinese Medicine Approach
Dr. Motley will discuss the effects of microbial overgrowth, such as SIBO, strep, Candida, and other infections, on the guts ability to assist the thyroid in hormone production, metabolism, and breakdown. Basic biochemistry of the thyroid/gut relationship will be discussed, and its connection to the rest of the body through a Chinese Medicine perspective. This connection to the whole body gives an explanation of the hormonal, structural, and emotional responses that arise from thyroid dysfunction. A discussion of direct links between the thyroid and gut will give light on how every aspect of the body can be affected by the biome.
Get To Know Dr. Motley
Dr. Christopher Motley started Austin Peay State University in 1997, and majored in Biology with a minor emphasis on physics and chemistry. Upon completing an undergraduate Biology degree, he attended Logan University in Chesterfield Missouri in the fall of 2001. There he received an additional Bachelors in Human Biology and a Doctorate in Chiropractic.
He has been in full-time practice for over 15 years. His has two office locations: one located in the heart of Nashville, Tn. and the other in Franklin, Tn. He works with in-person patients and virtual patient consults from around the world.
In chiropractic university, there are different routes or specialties that can be utilized. He chose kinesiology, bio-feedback therapy, and Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) techniques. These techniques provide strategies to incorporate physical signs, symptoms, and pain indicators to a course of action. Dr. Motley chose these health disciplines because they can point a physician to a particular treatment path, whether it be acupuncture, bodywork, supplementation, surgery, rehab, or medications.
Chinese Medicine and kinesiology provided Dr. Motley a path to see the effectiveness and strengths of each discipline. “What is best for a patient”, can fall under one or many medical categories. However, it is the discernment of the physician to assist the patient in choosing which path to take. Dr. Motley works daily with practitioners of different health disciplines for the health of his patients.
He treats patients of all ages ranging from 1 day old to 96 years of age. His practice focuses on helping individuals with Lyme disease, liver methylation, parasites, SIBO, viral infection, hormones, fertility, and emotions related to these conditions.
Dr. Motley concentrates in Chinese Medicine, kinesiology, biofeedback, functional medicine, and acupuncture as the basis for his practice. He is certified in acupuncture, a diplomats of acupuncture, applied kinesiology, clinical kinesiology, and holistic methylation therapy.